Father’s Day Cards to Make

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https://www.myvouchercodes.co.uk – Fancy saving money on overpriced cards this Father’s Day?? Try making one of these super easy daddy day cards!! Once you have the items below – watch our step by step video to create something totally unique and personal. Add your own little twist at the end with designs on the tie or even buttons on the collar.

You will need:

– Glue
– 2 x different coloured pieces of card
– Scissors
– 1 x felt tip pen

1. Fold your 1st piece of card in half
2. Cut across the top on both sides
3. Remove excess card and fold
4. Cut your 2nd piece of card into a square
5. Begin to fold like so…
6. Glue down underneath the collar
7. Decorate!!

For discounts on Father’s Day gifts & more, head over to MyVoucherCodes – https://www.myvouchercodes.co.uk/fathers-day